Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Crazy and Amazing~

Valentine.. whats that about for u?
Its crazy for me this year..i wondering how SUPER i m to do this hehe~
Although the outcomes wasn't good(as i expect) but still i think clarify to each other is a good way that we can still remain the FRIENDSHIP as before lo...really hope ermmmm...~
Thank you for be in my life and really really enjoy lo~


丁当 - 一半
词:管启源 曲:宇珩

喝酒的伴 一起看电影的伴
唱K的伴 一起去旅行的伴
我的生活 只差那个人就美满
快乐剩一人分享 快乐就只剩一半
这张被单 这张睡床

没人分享 幸福就只剩一半

没有想法 有想法又能怎样,只能写部落格整晚
几个留言安慰不了 心里的遗憾
没有负担 原来也是种负担
自由多得让人心慌,你羡慕我 那要不要跟我交换

快乐剩一人分享 快乐就只剩一半
这张被单 这张睡床

没人分享 幸福就只剩一半
别来提醒 我多孤单

快乐剩一人分享 快乐就只剩一半
这张被单 这张睡床

没人分享 幸福就只剩一半

Monday, January 31, 2011

~~~Some nice quote i would like to share~~~

即 使 全 世 界 都 背 叛 你 , 我 也 会 站 在 你 身 边 背 叛 全 世 界 。*****

Sometimes when I say: I am okay;I want someone to look in the eyes, hug me tight and say: I know,You are not.*****



两 个 人 吵 架 , 先 说 对 不 起 的 人 并 不 是 认 输 了 , 并 不 是 原 谅 了 。 他 只 是 比 对 方 更 珍 惜 这 份 感 情 。 ****

♥ 真 正 的 好 朋 友 , 并 不 是 在 一 起 就 有 聊 不 完 的 话 题 , 而 是 在 一 起 , 就 算 不 说 话 也 不 会 感 到 尴 尬 。 ♥***


没想过在一起,却自然而然的在一起;有些人千辛万苦终于在一起,却发现其实他们并不适合在一起… 虽然我们不能在一起了,但并不代表我不爱你了****

最 幸 福 的 事 情 , 莫 过 于 你 喜 欢 得 无 可 救 药 时 , 发 现 这 个 人 原 来 也 喜 欢 你****





人生一半的麻烦,源自你说 yes太快,说no太慢****


Sunday, January 30, 2011



Tuesday, January 25, 2011

吴奇隆 - 祝你一路顺风



我知道你有千言你有万语 却不肯说出口
你知道我好担心我好难过 却不敢说出口
当你背上行囊 卸下那份荣耀
面带着微微笑 用力的挥挥手

当你踏上月台 从此一个人走
深深的祝福你 最亲爱的朋友


我知道你有千言你有万语 却不肯说出口
你知道我好担心我好难过 却不敢说出口

当你背上行囊 卸下那份荣耀
面带着微微笑 用力的挥挥手

当你踏上月台 从此一个人走
深深的祝福你 最亲爱的朋友

~~~Goodbye My C1 Cellgroup Members!~~~






Hehe~First time chit-chat with my Cellgroup member until 1am yesterday~Feel so unpleasing to leave them~Take care my members...Hope god bless You girls in whatever cellgroup~

Although we never win in super cellgroup..although we always argue in cellgroup..although we always cried in cellgroup..although we cannot 'ZIP' together normally...but I am so happy that the last 2 months in this cellgroup we are having a fun time~Just like what Elaine said: 刚要一起 努力又要分开了~

Lucky we did went for our first outing (although many of u din attend) But I believe its a good experience for us lo~

Esther & Simon & Wendy Lin & Katherine Koo & Elaine Yeo & Aaron Wong & Sadie & Tan Wei Shin & Wendy Wong & ShuFen & ChuanHui & Ellen & WenWei & Rebbecca & EstherHooi & Erica & Angela & Jessie & Ruby & Tiffany & Issac & Ruby & Victor & Nick & Karen & ETC many many bro sis who in our group before..thanks for your help and patience on me~May god bless u very fruitfulness this year~Amen!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Fruitfulness Sunday!

Today is a busy day~Wake up 8am plus and prepared to go for soccer with my dear NLRCians~today i din score any goals but i did saves many goals due to my position-Goalkeeper hehe~Today Weishin is super funny..keep frighten people with screaming and speed hehe~ during the ending time something super funny happen..Weishin score a goal and the goalkeeper pick up the ball and pass by to AhJohn..then Weishin suddenly come forward and steal the ball and kick it into the goal post..actually its only 10 sec left for us to get a 2-2 draw hehe~ then Ahjohn very angry and he took the ball and threw it to Weishin! wao~ we all silenced and AhJohn terus walk out the court cos our team lost 1-2 hehe~Then we all at the bench asking Ahjohn what happen?he smile and say: i Beh tahan liao! haha~then we keep laughing this ~I am sure u r the one join us to laugh if u were there~

After soccer is MTS time~ after fetch Celia and Lihui we began our journey to Cheras..Suddenly Paul said that he forgot his spec in the court and we don't wish to late so we call someone to take it instead of we turning U-turn..After few min we reach MTS on time!hehe~Thanks god that today Pastor sharing are very good!I keep eating Sour plum as I was busy on my office job yesterday and day before that and I only slept like 6 hours in two days!

After MTS we broke into small groups...My groups got Yikfoong Lihui Katherine Celia Steven and Songbeng..All my close friends.I was surprise when they sharing their cell group growing and sort of..I wish my cellgroup got a big step growing up this year as well!We Wanna Grow Amen! I promised to myself that I need to put more effort in my cellgroup this year and love them as God loves me~

After MTS we went to Kenny Roger which I dreamed to eat for few days(since the Red shirt day) hehe~ The chicken is nice as we ate in KLCC last time during the PC Fair..then the Macaroni Cheese Pasta is very nice too~After we get our stomach full we go for walk and we saw a nice car there~ I cant remember the name but its cool~My dreaming Peugeot 207cc I am coming~! haha~ planing to change a new car this year~hope god bless me Gao Gao!!!!!

Raymond zhengbin and me go to Steven house after that....Steven and his family having a House warming today~He told me there are 200 + people~ He is the world Most 夸张people haha~ i think around 150 only keke~maybe i was late also..The ais kacang is nice hehe!~~Enjoy talking with Grace and Esthermah~they are two funny cute girls~Well...zoe took some photos to show us..guess wat...she got a secret album!haha~Even Jazby cant believe it!!!

Others are all playing Wii inside the Living room...We join them after the chit chat session~Wii is good but actually my hand will pain after I play so much~tomorrow still gonna play badminton and follow by bowling~I better dun play Wii too much~I will start my diet plan today so on!hope god give me more and more and more patience so i can overcome those lure!amen!~

Thursday, January 13, 2011


那天一个小组的X组员写给我的信息,看了感觉好感动哦~愿神你大大祝福这个可爱的组员 :

XXXXXX: 好吧 其實想跟你說聲對不起很久了 對不起以前你還是我組長時 也許在言語上傷害了你 可能因為我當時不懂事 把你的關心當作理所當然 沒有站在你組長的立場上想一想 其實你真的很在乎我 只是我不習慣這種關心 哈哈 真對不起。:)
謝謝你曾在禱告中紀念我 謝謝你們一直以來的關心和follow up 可能以後過了很久很久 我還是會很記得我曾經有一位組長真心地對待過我 然後曾為我在台上唱歌時 他豎起拇指 為我而驕傲的樣子 :)我覺得啊 上帝會很喜悅你的心 因為 你有一顆願意付出和不放棄的心 :) 你會把上帝的羊 當作自己的羊來看待。加油!你有讓我學習的地方!繼續下去吧 你會看得到神為你預備的 :)
再一次 謝謝你!:)

我回复: 哈哈~ 你的回复吓到我了 哈哈~ 没想到这么长呢~说真的,我一直认为你是一个很有潜能的组员,我真的很想你站起来为神服侍~也许我的观念 不正确,不一定要成为组长才能为主侍奉的,组员也可以的!你说的那一幕唱歌的场面真的在我的印象中很深刻呢~你在youth的见证分享我也有upload 去youtube!呵呵~看到组员的成长真的是组长最开心的事情!也许你和我没有很多共同的语言,所以当初你选择去别个小组的时候我真的还蛮难过的。当时 想到的不是我的小组少了一个人,而是担心你会不会继续成长呢~最近你过的如何呢?都没什么机会和你谈天呢~你现在还去小组吗?

對啊 我現在還是覺得當初離開你的小組 是蠻讓你難過的 這件事讓我蠻內疚一段時間
可是現在知道原來你是擔心我的成長 讓我好感動 :)
我最近覺得啊 我很喜歡教會裡的人 因為唯有你們才能讓我做自己 當我很壓力時 跟你們在一起是我最放鬆的時候。我最近沒有去小組耶 我知道這樣不行 但給我點時間 我會慢慢安排時間和調整自己 :)
因為現在這份工作蠻累而且有時會有壓力 所以當小組在晚上時 我會因為累而給自己藉口沒去小組。之前可能工作的關係 我有時一個月才去主日一次 可是現在我會覺得 我想要見見你們 跟你們玩鬧 然後去主日。 哈哈 我知道這樣也不行 好像沒把神放在眼裡 給我點時間 或者去一場什麼特會 讓我被神大大觸摸 好找回我的心 :)
你呢? 好不好啊? 小組OK嗎? 翡翠不錯的 她可以被興起來的 :)
你說的對 不一定要當組長才可以為神做大事 我反而對當組長沒什麼興趣耶 哈哈 因為我覺得當組長很難 心臟要夠強 因為你除了擔心自己的事 還要擔心組員的事 肩膀上要扛起的 不是每個人可以做到 所以我覺得你很勇敢!呵呵 :) 需要向你學習學習 :)

你内疚阿?哈哈~去年我学习到一个功课就是小组的人数不是主要的,神的心意是让组员成长!我相信你也明白的~一个没有灵命的小组有多多人 都没用~
时间是你自己安排的~近来也看到你有来教会~感到很欣慰~也许我不常和你聊天~但是我还是蛮关心我的x组员的~哈哈~我常去你的 blog的看看你的近况~但是你关了这么久~为什么关了啊?
你 现在在忙什么呢?工作如何阿?别等特会了~这个星期就能被兴起了!赫赫~不是你在等神的到来,而是神一直在等你回到他怀抱~就好像浪子一样~不管你多累多肮脏多不好 他都会打开怀抱等你的~今年是多结果子之年 希望你不但自己回来还带朋友回来!哈哈~雪瑜 水草 志立他们~
我们小组经过去年的修剪之年真的变了好多~我开始领会耶稣的话>爱我就牧养我的羊,耶稣没有说是黑羊还是白羊,他只是说我的羊 ~也许我们的组员有不好的地方,但是如果牧养神的羊这么容易,耶稣就不会问彼得 3次你爱我吗?不止 翡翠不错,其他组员也都很好呢!因为神的创造是甚好的!
To Be Continue...

Monday, January 10, 2011

~~~2011 New year New hope New Holy Man~~~

Times flies and its now 2011..and i am 25(although I always put in my mind that I am 24 years old..) ~ This will be a final year for me!reaching to 30 years old in 5 more years and I realize this year God wanna change me lots and lots in my life and everything.. I set up my plans for this year~hope that I can smile to myself when I looking back on it in end of 2011~hehe! God I submit my whole life to you~ Thank you dear lord. Amen!~~~

2011 Silvernoah's Plans & Goals:
1:Be spiritual and daily devotion~
2:Get a Investment for short term on Forex!
3:Get a Nice and COOL spec~
4:Get a brand NEW car!>If really cant least repair & repaint my Kelisa!
5:Get a Girlfriend if this is the time that god arranged for me! ***This is important too!
6:Diet plan NEVER fail again> my target: 55KG with 29'' waist Amen!
7:Make appointment with doctor & do the 1st body check-up in my life(I scare blood!)
8:Consult a Professional Hair care centre to recover my hair>Amen!
9:Cell group member can be more close & helping each other!Most important GROW~!
10:Get RM 5000 Saving this year..
11:Do well in my job!
12:Improve in Time management and Money management!
13:Learn how to play guitar! I wanna serve god in cellgroup too! maybe P&W!hehe~